Episode 29
The Circus Of Varieties
The Circus Of Varieties
Season: 4 Episode: 29
An unassuming building in the centre of Bristol was host to some of the greatest entertainers Europe had to offer. It was the site of a very popular past time and regularly had major exhibitions and balls. It even played a part in the development of the area's aviation industry, but you wouldn't think it now.
Listen to the story of a building now called 'University Gate', but was famous as 'The Circus of Varieties'.
This podcast has been specially edited from a Bradley Stoke Radio show in Bristol, England.
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So, thankyou for listening and until next time guys, take care and look after each other.
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Bristol Mercury - Saturday 18 November 1882
Bristol Mercury - Tuesday 16 November 1886
Bristol Mercury - Friday 17 June 1887
Western Daily Press - 15 Feb 1916, Tue · Page 3
Western Daily Press - Tuesday 25 July 1933
Western Daily Press - 04 Jun 1935, Tue · Page 7
Western Daily Press - 02 Dec 1976, Thu · Page 12
David Hewitt - A lawyer and a writer. His latest book – Gold, Violet, Black, Crimson, White – is about another Great War court case, provoked by a silent film many people considered obscene. The book is published by Matador at £11.99
Sound Effects by zapsplat.com
Intro music by The Model Folk